Environmental Issues

Environmental Issues and Corporate Greed

Corporate greed, unbridled appetite for wealth and other similar terms are increasingly gaining momentum within the present global economic landscape. While the term might be new and somewhat misleading at present, it is no doubt a disturbing trend. The issue is one of great debate, as many have differing and opposing views on the issue. However, what is not in dispute is that corporate greed has reached new levels of incalculable proportions. This trend has reached a crescendo with the recent bailout of several major companies in the USA, especially GM, which has been at the center of a prolonged and bitter political fight for bailouts. At the time, neither GM nor Toyota was believed to be in deep financial trouble; however, it was discovered that both companies had lost a huge amount of money running their businesses.

The global economic meltdown and the resultant crisis have only made matters worse for corporate greed. In fact, it has only served to intensify both society’s concerns and those of the corporations themselves. As such, society as a whole has become more deeply concerned about the issue of corporate greed, and rightfully so. It is no longer simply enough to condemn corporate greed as some misguided corporation is simply out to maximize its profits at any cost. Now, we have to worry about corporate greed and its effect on our planet.

One of the problems with corporate greed is that while it seems to be happening mostly to larger corporations that have enough power and wealth to fund their ventures with minimal effort, it also affects smaller businesses that do not have that level of wealth or power. This means that in many cases, it is the smaller corporations that are forced to deal with the brunt of the problem as their competitors lose their market niches to the bigger ones. The result is a growing consolidation of power between the larger corporations and the smaller businesses, something society should never accept as it plays a large role in contributing to the environmental damage that is so prevalent.

But corporate greed also has an effect on the environment, as most large-scale corporations continue to use the environment as their private garbage dump. As these corporations pollute the air, land, water, and the ground with toxic waste, they also pollute the surrounding neighborhoods where they are located. It is this environmental pollution that drives many people to become so strongly opposed to corporate greed. They are tired of seeing their communities damaged by the industries that are poisoning the air and water. Indeed, it is important to recognize corporate greed as an environmental issue that must be addressed by changing the way these industries operate.

One way that business leaders can start addressing the issue of corporate greed is by demanding that their corporations run more efficiently. They should increase the energy efficiency of their operations and reduce their energy consumption, as well as promote better conservation practices. Another way is to create a corporate environment where people are empowered. By making their businesses more profitable and providing them with a good corporate culture, people will be motivated to work harder in order to make these businesses succeed. That way, they will not only benefit from increased profitability but they will also be able to help the environment.

By learning more about corporate greed, as well as other environmental issues, you can take steps to help improve the world. You can learn more about your support for corporate responsibility and how you can make a difference in the preservation of our environment.